Oh, the joys of owing money. I recently discovered that my student loan provider sold my loans to another provider. No big deal, they have a right to do that. My terms stay exactly the same, the check just goes to a new address, so I don't particularly care. However, I also recently discovered that the new provider is having some issues with their website. You can do anything you need to on the site, except make a payment. This I do care about very much.
I logged into my account, did some checking, and then decided to make a payment. I clicked Make a Payment and got a big, fat error screen. I figured there was some temporary problem, so I logged out. A few days later, I decided to try again. I got the same error screen. A day after that, I got the same error again. I sent an email to let them know, but I don't expect a quick resolution. After all, the longer their site is down, the more interest they get to collect from students. Welcome to the world of compounded interest. Not that I think they're doing this on purpose, I'm just a little frustrated at the moment.
On the up side, I recently got an email from the FBI saying I won the lottery. That has to be legitimate, right? I mean, why wouldn't the FBI be the one to contact me about winning the lottery? Seems perfectly logical to me. :)
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