Wednesday, August 10, 2011

DTPA Claim?

I just realized how long it has been since I've written anything.  Oops! 

Anyways, I've always wondered how Nabisco could possibly know that Oreos were milk's favorite cookie.  Yes, I know it's just a slogan, but couldn't that be a DTPA claim?  I'm sure some creative lawyer out there could make a claim for false or misleading advertising or something similar. 

A couple of days ago, I went to the grocery store and bought, among other things, milk and Oreos.  When I got home, I put all the bags on the counter.  When I grabbed the bag that held the milk, it was wet.  Great -- a leaky milk carton.  I threw away the bag and cleaned the counter.  I was putting away the remaining groceries when I grabbed another wet bag.  You guessed it, the one with the Oreos.  It was the only other bag that got wet with the spilled milk. 

I guess Nabisco was right after all....

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