Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wanted: Used Brain in Mint Condition

Ever have one of those days where it just seems like your brain has decided to take the day off?  Well, I've just had a weekend full.  Allow me to share.

I have to be in class by 10:00 on Thursday mornings.  Last Thursday, for some reason I thought I didn't have to be there until 10:30.  It's not the beginning of a semester and I haven't had a sudden class change or anything, I just wasn't thinking straight.  I was taking my sweet time getting ready, eating breakfast, etc.  At about 10:10, it finally hit me.  Oops! 

So what did I do?  Like any typical grad student, I decided to skip.  No, I decided to go to class.  I grabbed my keys and cell phone and walked out the door.  I got about 5 steps away when I realized I was forgetting something -- my purse.  I run back inside and grab my purse.  This time I get all the way to the car before realizing I was forgetting something else -- my backpack.  I run back inside again and grab my backpack.  Luckily my laptop and books were already in it or I would have had to make another trip back. 

I made it through the rest of the morning without any further incidents, but things did not get better that afternoon and early evening.  First, I had to get my taxes done and sent off.  I downloaded the forms and got them filled out with no problem, except it took a lot longer than I expected.  By the time I finished, I only had a few minutes to get to the post office.  And I don't have a printer.  So off to school I go. 

I get to school and send the forms to the printer.  Unfortunately, printing at the school is not free, and the printers don't take cash.  And of course, I left my print card at home.  I ask if anyone in the computer lab would mind if I borrowed their card (after I put money on it of course) and someone says yes.  I get the forms printed and since it's now after 6:00 and my post office is closed, I Google the nearest post office staying open late.  That's when I realize that I don't have a pen or pencil to write down the directions.  I could have sent them to the printer, but since I was already using someone else's card, and they wouldn't take any money, I felt kind of bad about doing that.  So I borrowed a pencil and wrote down the directions.  It's now 6:20 and all I have to do is make it to the post office by midnight. 

As I'm gathering my things, I realize I don't have an envelope.  I quickly head down to the bookstore hoping they didn't close at 6:00.  I got lucky on this one and they don't close until 6:30.  Now I'm set, except I still don't have a pen to address the envelope.  I ran into a couple of friends outside the bookstore and we chatted for a minute or 30 before I tell them I really have to go. 

I head downstairs (completely forgetting about needing a pen) and I'm about to head out the door when I notice the blank envelope in my hand.  There are quite a few offices downstairs; one of them has to be open, right?  Well, it's almost 7:00 by now, so no.  For some reason, the financial aid office was still open (I think the receptionist was checking her email) and I slip in there and borrow a pen.  Now I'm set.   Factor in the traffic and long lines, and it's almost 8:00 by the time I get my taxes mailed.  That's about the time I realize that I haven't eaten anything since noon, and I'm starving.  And I have less than 30 minutes to get home, eat, change, and leave for my softball game.

In the end, the day turned out ok -- I only missed 20 minutes of my first class, I got my taxes mailed, I finally got some food, and I made it to the game on time.  But I think it started a weekend of braindeadness.  I won't get into everything that I managed to do wrong this weekend, but my braindeadness finally ended today when I walked out of the gym and started walking straight towards that black Mitsubishi Eclipse.  I don't drive an Eclipse.  I used to a long time ago, but it wasn't black.  Now I drive an SUV, and it doesn't really look like an Eclipse.  I can't wait for Monday to get here.

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