Sunday, April 11, 2010

TV Guide

I stopped reading TV Guide many, many years ago, but have found myself checking it online quite regularly since moving to FTW.  Apparently they've gotten a few new writers.  I've noticed a few changes in their style, especially the movie descriptions.  They used to just give a quick description of the film, but now they've added a little something extra.  Here are actual descriptions for some of the movies playing this weekend:
  • Suspenseful and well-acted, but occassionally defies logic.
  • Family-friendly but forgettable.
  • Implausible but exciting.
  • Dizzying martial-arts action and car chases can't make up for an incoherent plot.
When did Siskel and Ebert start working for TV Guide?  Actually, it makes me wonder whether they got that information from movie reviewers, or if someone was just having a bad day and took it out on innocent movies.

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