Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolutions

In honor of the new year, here are my new year's resolutions for 2011:
  1. Make new years resolutions.
Many years ago, I decided to stop making new year's resolutions, mainly because I never kept them and that made me feel bad.  And why would you want to do something year after year that made you feel bad? 

My problem wasn't actually that I broke my resolutions, just that I didn't keep them.  What's the difference?  Well, I think that you can't actually break them if you don't remember what they were.  I'd always start out good for the first day or two.  If it was a really good year, may that would last for four days.  But then the paper where I wrote them down would get thrown away while cleaning, or I really needed that extra room on the board where I posted them for something more important.  For whatever reason, I always lost my resolutions and then I felt bad.

To fix this problem, I quit making resolutions.  It was an easy fix.  When someone asked me what my resolution for the new year was, I'd say something like, "To not make any resolutions."  I think the last time I actually made new year's resolutions was about 10 years ago, maybe longer.  That was one resolution I never had to keep track of and it worked great for me.  

But this year, I've decided to break with tradition and actually make resolutions.  I know I'm a few days late with this, but I've been having trouble coming up with anything.  I don't want to make the typical "I'm going to lose 20 lbs" or "I'm going to save $1000" resolutions.  While I should probably do both of these, I think this is what sets people (or at least me) up for failure (and feeling bad).  So if anybody is reading this, what are your resolutions for the new year?  I need to "borrow" some ideas.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I am actually a few years behind you...because this year I decided my resolution was to be resolutin FREE!! My reasoning might be different...I know I am not perfect, but I do like the "me" from 2010. Obviously, I have things I could improve on (who doesn't?)...but these things were there a week ago and will be there until I am ready to move past them :o) The only thing I can say that I am pushing these days is to eliminate fake people/relationships. I am a people pleaser and so even if someone is annoying me or doing me wrong, I try to please them. So, that is what my "resolution" is I guess!!
